Sunday, March 1, 2009


I was scolded today for starting a blog and then not posting anything on it. :) Sorry, I know I should keep it current. And really, what's the point of having one if I'm not going to post? So, here is a post along with a couple of excuses...for your amusement. And I promise, I will do better.

- When I get on the net at home, I get hung up on tooling around facebook. Arrrgggh.

- I have another blog that I work on at work called "Arrington's Island". It is a edublog where I post thoughts on my profession and work my kids have done in class. Our current big project is "Arrington on the Air", a radio show recorded and partly written by my kids. Great fun!

Check it out if you'd like....

- I find it difficult to sit down and write without a specific purpose or thought. Once I have one of these thoughts, I then have to find the time to sit and write. These two things don't usually coincide well. So, I tend to postpone adding the post until I have a good amount of time to thoughtfully write it. (see the first excuse here)

Thanks JP for being my blogging conscience. :)

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