Sunday, May 3, 2009

Taming the Tongue

The sermon this morning at church was about watching our tongue. Steve used an illustration of interacting with people as a "dash" or an "L". It took me back to a conversation I was in last week where I deliberatly chose to go the dash route and in a not so nice way. I don't normally choose to be rude to people or just unleash my fury on them, but in this situation I did. And the worst part, I actually heard a still small voice saying, "Kristi, it's really not a good idea." I chose to ignore it and tell this person what I really thought. Later that evening I regretted it. Of course I knew it was wrong. Yes, that person wasn't treating me as she should have and she totally didn't understand the situation as it truly was. But I CHOSE to do the wrong thing.

If I had listened to the voice or stopped to consider God in my anger, I wouldn't have dealt with her in that way.

I learned that day, first to listen to that voice and second to not react to my anger.

I want to remember to consider God in my words EVEN with those in which I'm angry.